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get stuck where old man's coin box located ,map poorly designed

(2 edits)

hello there!

Does it get stuck on speaking to the old man or actually in the tent?

It was an issue in much older versions where there was a second bed preventlng actual movement out of the tent, however after checking the current browser version again I've not found that issue again, either talking to the Old man or in finding the coinbox.

With reference to the map, which elements specifically are poorly designed, so that I may pay them extra attention during development.

Also: Are you playing the browser version, or the old download version? 

Thank you for checking it out!

old download version ,
personally i cannot see myself becoming a browser gamer lol 

(1 edit) (+1)

No worries at all friend!

Yes, this issue has been removed for a long while now.

I will be posting and updated browser and download version over the coming days!

(With a lot of these issues buffed out!)

As it stands I'm just using the browser version for quick feedback, I intend to make the game playable on android and PC (although very very very early in the development timeline)

Thank you for the screenshot and comments <3


Update: The newest downloadable version has just been uploaded.

It's significantly further along in development now, feel free to try it out <3

Just started playing and I've got a brief note about attacks. The shaking per hit is a little much. It definitely lends itself to that feeling of impact per hit, but when every hit impacts the same and so jarringly, it makes spells feel...not as much as regular attacks. 

My suggestion is to make spell impacts retain that level of shaking impact, but for regular attacks, to lessen the shaking to a far more extent if not remove the shaking entirely.

I can already see a lot of love and passion has gone into this just from the first few minutes. I'll give you more notes as I go along.

(1 edit)

I will definitely reduce that or have it set for certain attacks/Styles of attack.

I can see how it would get frustrating or cheapen the experience.

That's a great note, thank you!

I've spent about 250 hours on this so far, mostly learning rpg maker as well as making the game!

I will be frequently updating it and adjusting so this feedback is crucial.

Absolute hero <3

Update: This has been changed entirely now.

Feel free to check out the newest version :)